Programme of the Photovoltaic Forum 2010
1 st April 2010
(first day FF2010 – all-day interpreting from/into English language)
programme is moderated by Mgr. Jiří Hlobil
Introduction of the Czech Photovoltaic Association and its goals, plans, …
Has the economic crisis ended? Crisis in national and European view.
doc. Ing. Jiří Schwarz, CSc., the Dean of Faculty of Economics and Public Administration
at The University of Economics in Prague,
chairman of academic advisory board of the Liberální institut
Ing. Miroslav Ševčík, CSc., chairman of the board of directors and director of the Liberální institut
Current redemption prices and situation during granting of license in 2010,
development and knowledge
Current situation in connecting new plants and capacity reservation in the Czech republic
Connectibility of FVE to low voltage, high voltage, very high voltage
Doc. Ing. Jaroslav Pospíšil, CSc., Protection & Consulting s.r.o.
Location of photovoltaic power station, valid guidelines of Ministry for Regional Development
Ing. Josef Kotlaba, manager of building and landscape planning department Horažďovice
Building of PV power stations in listed areas and zones
Ing. Arch. Miloš Solař, department of guarantors of the national cultural monuments, National monument institute |
Funding of Photovoltaic power stations
Egon Čierny, Komerční banka, a.s.
Tax impacts rising by running a Photovoltaic power station
Ing. Jan Žůrek, manager of the tax department , KPMG Česká republika, s.r.o.
Ing. Lubomír Moučka, ssenior manager of the tax department, KPMG Česká republika, s.r.o.
Legal questions connected with acquisition of PV power station projects
prof. Dr. Arsene Verny, M.E.S., lawyer Prague/Berlin/Dresden and chairman of Association of Czech companies in Germany - VTUD e.V.
Energy audit as a tool for project analysis
Ing. Jaroslav Jakubes, energy auditor, ENA s.r.o.
Introduction of German photovoltaic association
prof. Dr. Uwe Hartmann, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e.V., Německo
Support of monitoring and audit of the photovoltaic systems with using the information from satellite and meteorological models
RNDr. Marcel Šúri, CSc., director of the company GeoModel, s.r.o.
Trip to a photovoltaic power station
Only when the weather is nice (without rain) – by bus, departure from the hotel in groups
Excursion in Bohemia Sekt
consequent excursion - arrival to the hotel together by bus at about 20 o´clock.
Opening of the lavish dinner in the form of buffet
Performance Jan Ježek, old stander of the National Theatre in Prague and its guests
2nd April 2010
(second day FF2010 – all-day interpreting from/into English language)
programme is moderated by Mgr. Jiří Hlobil
Photovoltaic cells, history, current situation and future trends
prof. Ing. Vítězslav Benda, CSc., Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Current trends in diagnostic method for PV cells for maximising panels´ life-cycle
doc. Ing. Jiří Vaněk, Ph.D., Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Brno University
of Technology
Possibilities of further development of photovoltaic cells
Doc. RNDr. Ivan Jelínek, CSc., vice-dean of Faculty of Science Charles University in Prague
Fuel clusters and hydrogen economy as a possible way of accumulation of electric energy from renewable resources
doc. Ing. Petr Bača, Ph.d., Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Brno University
of Technology
Photovoltaic panels on the nanofibres bases: Technology and its possibilites
Dr. Jan Macák, Mgr. Vilém Růžička, Elmarco, s.r.o.
Photovoltaic architecture
Ing. Kamil Staněk, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil engineering
Thorough optimalization of using the green bonus as a tool of maximising recovery of investment
Ing. Tomáš Pitra, renewable resources specialist, EnEng, s.r.o.
Control measurement and examination of real parameters of megawatt PV power stations
doc. RNDr. Petr Sládek, CSc., Department of Physics, Faculty of Education Masaryk university in Brno
Basics of photovoltaic power station project, main components and principles
during projection
Michael Schmid, project engineer of photovoltaic power stations, Czech Nature Energy a.s.
Basics of photovoltaic power station project, CSI panels
Ing. Jiří Janda, executive head of WSW engineering s.r.o.
Basics of photovoltaic power station project, monitoring technologies, managing and communiation
Ing. Edmund Pantůček, key account manager, Phoenix Contact CZ
Basics of photovoltaic power station project, technology and usage of thin-film panels in NEXPOWER example
Dipl. Soz.-Wiss. Petra Kodýtková, sales PV International, Donauer Solartechnik, Germany
Basics of photovoltaic power station project, mounting systems for open areas DOMA
Ing. Petr Hořánek, executive head of DOMA Drehfundamente CZ
Basics of photovoltaic power station project, new tendencies in overvoltage arresters and their usage in photovoltaics
Ing. Karel Veselý, CITEL Electronics, org.unit
Ing. Jan Hlaváček, executive head of CITEL Electronics, org.unit